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Step-sister Ruby Punishment series

10/27/24 12:00 PM28 min4248 MBmp44k
Price26.49 EUR


Step-sister Ruby Nunville Punishment series. Confession time in nunvile. This sinner was sent to see step-sister Ruby by the priest, in which she arranges a range of punishments for him. First, he must confess all his sins wanking too much, then Step-sister Ruby spins the punishment wheel and it's time to humiliate him. Next the Sinner spins the wheel, he gets cage time. It's time for him to be flogged. Miss Ruby flogs the sinner who is bound naked to a St. Andrews cross, she flogs him, spanks him with her bare hand, runs a pinwheel up him, his ass gets very red and i really hope this punishment makes him consider sinning again. Each lash will cleanse your soul. Embrace the pain as a gift of redemption. With every stripe across your flesh, the demon's grip loosens. You are mine to save, mine to purify. Purification by wax, Miss Ruby hovers above, candle in hand. "The fire of the Holy Spirit will now wash over you. Its warmth will seal your commitment to purity. The wax will serve as a shield against the temptations that seek to corrupt you. Miss Ruby recites the words of the holy spirt and asks god to help her free this sinner from the curse. The exorcism by Pegging. It is time to drive the demon from your vessel. I will fuck the evil from your body, replacing it with divine ecstasy. Your holes will be filled with the holy spirit, and you will be reborn in purity. Receive the holy penetration. With each thrust, the demon's hold on you weakens. You will be filled with the light of submission, and the darkness will be cast out. Let go of the demon, and embrace your salvation!

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