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Pussy Free Loser Turned Cheap Gay Rent Boy - Alika, Gabie

3/4/24 12:05 AM19 min2782 MBmp44k
Price18.99 EUR
CategoryMake Me Bi


Your inept sexual performance isn’t going to give any woman the pleasure she deserves. You’re useless to women, so instead you’re going to learn how to give pleasure to men.


You’ll hear us chatting about what makes a perfect cock and why yours is no use. But it’s not just about the cock, even if you had the ideal cock, attached to one of you betas who browse our clip store, it’s an instant turn off. We’ll tell you more about the sort of man we want, and if you don’t match the description, we’ll tell you what to do with your cock.


Then we’re going to start your lesson in giving the only type of pleasure you can, to other men. You’ll find it hard work, but you’re just going to have to accept that. Life as our rent boy isn’t meant to be easy.


You get your ass fucked, while real men get to fuck girls like us. That’s just the way it is.

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