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Girls in Charge
Girls in Charge
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Glory Hole Whore Training - Alora, Alika

9/11/24 12:05 AM15 min2351 MBmp44k
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryMake Me Bi
KeywordsBrat Girls


My slave has got a new job. I’m sending him to work at a glory hole every Friday and Saturday night.


I want him to build a customer base, so I’m going to make sure he’s offering the cheapest blowjobs in town. His mouth is going to be so busy. Alora and I tell him about all the gross types of cock he will be sucking soon and make sure he understands that we don’t want any customer complains.


His first shift is in 2 days so we get him started with some intense cock sucking practice. We need to make sure he knows how to give good customer service and what to do when his mouth is full of cum. We’re going to put him through a lot of dildo sucking to get him ready for his first client.

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