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Layla Taylor
Layla Taylor
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Another Gift Accident

10/6/24 8:45 AM5 min662 MBmp41080p
Price5.99 EUR


II really wanted to the toilet. I ran to the toilet, but the door was locked. I touch the door handle and notice that someone are inside. I have a bit panic, hold on my stomach and ask the girl in the toilet ”Anybody here? Please hurry up! I wanna gift so bad!” She say “I'm here!”. I say “Oh, fuck!”, but I hold my hand on my stomach and bend over a bit. I let out a fart, and the girl inside toilet start to laugh, I’m embarrassed and say “I can't stand it any longer! Please! Oh, gift!” to her. A bit later I have a New spasm attack in my stomach, I’m farting and knock on the door and say that I have a spasm attack, and kindly ask her to hurry. She flush the toilet but I could not hold it any longer. I hold up my dress, so I had explosive gift on the floor! Oops, the floor was splattered with my gift.

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