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Fer All for pleasure
Fer All for pleasure
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Maximo visit his psychologist (mental domination session)

9/12/24 12:15 AM15 min881 MBmp41080p
Price23.49 EUR
Related CategoriesMind Fuck,Robots


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the scene begins with maximo sitting on the sofa. maximo is wearing tight shorts and a tight gray t shirt. fer enters the room and asks maximo why did he enter for his therapy appointment.

“well after my last appointment u did something to me and i want to know what is was

fer replies with “its called mind control. u wanted to feel more confident in your body so i mind controlled you to feel that way and it worked.”

“u mind controlled me? i wanted u to make me confident not mind control! who knows what else youve done to me! im calling the police!”

maximo stands up and is about to leave but fer snaps his fingers and maximo stands up straight 

“im ready to be used and to follow your every command master.” maximo says.

fer stands up and gets behind maximo and starts feeling his body. his hands start feeling his chest and he tells maximo to flex and he starts feeling his muscles and arms.

“maximo your my hottest paitient ive always wanted to control u and have u be my slave. u understand slave?”

“yes master”

fer steps back.

“okay slave youre really hot and super muscular. i want to see u do push ups, squats, and jumping jacks.”

“yes master” maximo starts working out doing push ups, squats and jumping jacks.

“very good maximo. u look very hot working out. but now lets test out ur true strength. get down in push up position.”

“yes master” maximo gets down on push up position and fer gets on top of him.

“your back feels so good. me sitting on you and riding you this makes me so happy. now do 10 push ups with me on your back”

maximo agrees and does the push ups

after 10 push ups maximo stops and fer is still on top of him. fer tells maximo to stay on all fours and dont move. fer then continues to feel his back and body enjoying riding on maximo. “your body is so comfortable maximo but im feeling pretty tired and slaves make good ponys, so give me a good pony ride maximo!”

then gets back on maximos back and makes him drink the water and to bark and to wag his while. the fer gets off and tells maximo to stand up.

“wow that was the best pony ride ever maximo maybe out of all of my slaves ill keep u and have u stay as my pony for when i feel like it. but know i want u to become a zombie.”

maximo agrees and puts his hands out and walks around like a zombie.

“good now lets see u shirtless.”

maximo takes off his shirt snd starts flexing. we see his front body then he turns to see his back. fer starts feeling his body again.

“oh my your so hot maximo, lets go for another pony ride.” 

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