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SSBBW visits Tucson, AZ!

12/31/24 5:35 AM19 min593 MBmp4720p
Price9.49 EUR
CategoryBBW - Ssbbw


Mt. Lemmon! Wow! It could be 80° F at the base of the mountain in the City of Tuscon, but 50° F at the top of the mountain! Cacti and tumbleweeds at the base, deciduous trees and snow at the top. What a unique way to cool off while enjoying an extremely diverse and interesting habitat. Join me in this epic travel vlog style video and get a glimpse for yourself! If you're an outdoorsy type of person, or someone who appreciates nature, you'll really enjoy the views in this video! I also show off my 700lb+ body quite a lot in this video, and stuff my face with lots of delicious local food too of course! You know by now that I can't go anywhere without doing both of those things..

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