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Fight 4 - 16 Person Elimination Tournament - Fernanda vs Carolina (mov)

2/19/25 9:05 AM16 min837 MBmov1080p
Price10.49 EUR


Our most competitive tournament to date!

***Spoiler Alert: Don't read the following line if you want to be surprised by the outcome....

This was one of the biggest upsets of the tournament. No one expected Carolina at only 99 lbs to be able to do anything in this fight, but her quickness and flexibility and raw grappling ability shocked Fernanda as she was unable to figure out a way to control her smaller opponent. High action fight.

First round tournament match between #8 Seeed (5'1", 122 pounds), a soccer player, and #16 seed Carolina (5'0" and 99 pounds) and her lightening quickness.

This is the fourth fight of a 16 person mixed wrestling single elimination tournament featuring 2 men and 14 women.

5 round competitive wrestling match, each round is 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Points are scored for round domination, submission, schoolgirl pin during the round, and bonus points if you have your opponent in a bodyscissors or headscissors when the clock hits zero each round.

Loser goes home, winner moves on to the second round elite eight quarterfinals

Unfortunately this fight had to be cut short after three rounds due to an injury, so as a bonus we included a practice round for each girl prior to the main match. Both fighters are rookies and completely new to wrestling, so they had some practice rounds against other opponents before their main tournament match.

Carolina practiced against Kevin who at 220 pounds is more than twice the size of her. Meanwhile, Fernanda had a practice round against the smaller but more flexible Chica Python.

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