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Anniversay Squeeze - Anya squeezes her boyfriend senseless

3/8/25 12:26 PM15 min760 MBmp41080p
Price13.49 EUR


It's Anya and Joe's anniversary, and Anya wants to show her boyfriend how strong her legs have become by squeezing him senseless.

She has had a secret fetish of crushing a man between her thighs, and since it is a special occasion, all she wants for her gift is for her boyfriend to allow her to lay trapped between her pulsating thighs as she squeezes away.

She starts slow, telling him she is only squeezing at 10% her power, then 20%, 30% and so on.

At 50% Joe starts to become fearful. Surely this is more than 50% he says. But Anya smiles back and nods that it is indeed only 50%, and the rest is coming shortly.

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