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Foxxy Squeeze vs Mike competitive match with Knockout

4/20/24 6:36 PM18 min1952 MBmov1080p
Price14.49 EUR


After I had defeated Mike the first time he wanted another chance for revenge!
When we started our match it was obvious that this would be a tough match! I grabbed my opponent’s arm and pulled him on the mats, I chocked him and pretty quick I’ve had him in this rnc. Surprisingly this didn’t affect him too much, he just got angry and was fighting me harder! He pinned me and put me in a headlock, I tried to escape but I had no choice but to tap. After some more hard fighting I got on top of him and put him in a schoolgirl pin and told him to submit verbally. Since he refused to do so I just sat on his face and told him I got all night waiting for him to submit! He still did not cooperate so I put him in the tarantula hold and dominated him until he told me what I wanted to hear. In the next round I locked him in a figure four and put his arm in a hammerlock and pulled on his other arm until he was begging for mercy. He was done after this so I finished with a victory pose.

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