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Foxxy's apple bottom scissors for Freddy

6/9/24 7:39 AM9 min988 MBmov1080p
Price8.49 EUR


I started scissoring Freddy with reverse headscissors - look at my beautiful butt in this leotard! I wiggled my ass nicely from side to side, not putting too much effort to it but my submissive was already suffering. I kept playing with him with my thighs around his neck, then I switched to side headscissors. I gave my submissive a few slaps with my feet in his face, then I made him kiss my feet.
After this I was done with playing around!
I switched to regular headscissors and mentioned: So this is the regular face color and now we will see what is going to happen!
I started increasing the pressure on Freddy’s neck, he turned purple pretty fast! I kept squeezing his neck, enjoying his moaning and whining so I said to him: Yess, slowly we get to the point to really make you suffer!
I wrapped my leg around his neck, put him in a tight figure four and said: I still got the feeling I am beeing too nice to you today! I gave him a hard squeeze in my figure four, then switched back to headscissors to finish him!

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