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Earn It - Face Mesmerization

3/8/25 4:15 AM27 min815 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR


I know you've missed me. You've so missed my sensual, erotic approach to domination. Well, now is your chance. Follow my voice as I take you deep into yourself, freeing you from your mundane mortal existence. You're going to get lost in my eyes, in the sound of my voice, like you always do. Entranced by each movement of my mouth, and hands, you'll be mesmerized just like the last time. I know you want me to let you cum while you look deep into my eyes, but you have to earn it. Prove to me you deserve it and I'll bring you that pleasure you dream of. Stroke to my face, let my feminity devour you and bring you to submission.

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