I inform you that since I've been promoted, I am officially your superior in every way. I've been your Mistress but now I am your boss. I tell you what your life is going to be like now- when I want you under my desk- smelling your wife's smuggled pantyhose or pumps, worshiping my cock that is shoved down my nylons, you will be there. I stand up and lift my skirt, letting you kiss my pantyhose ass and then smell the pungent aroma of a hard working woman's feet mixed with your own wife's scent. I tell you how if you thought things were intense for you before- they are going to get even more crazy. I'm going to make you wear pantyhose under your trousers to work, paint your toenails daily, and even suck and get used by a tranny that I met the other day. And boy is she ever a top .... I'm going to encourage her to use you in every way I see fit. Now suck my cock and show me how you're going to do it for her ... The word faggot is used repeatedly. Originally a custom video commission but the name was edited out. Remastered video from 2014.
If you like this be sure to see Married to Your Mistress, Our Co-Worker Is a Tranny and We Both Love to Wear Your Wife's Nylons & Heels