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Smoking Lace
Smoking Lace
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Lace Humiliates and Berates you for Quitting Smoking

1/28/25 11:59 PM9 min905 MBmp41080p
Price11.49 EUR


You quit smoking?? Look... You've been this little lost puppy following me around for the last several years. Coming to punk shows with me and smoking an entire pack between the 2 of us - That's what we DO. YOU CAN'T QUIT NOW! You're not only addicted to the cigarettes, you're addicted to ME. Did you really think you could get away so easily? I'm going to Humiliate and Berate you until you smoke a cigarette right now, or I'm leaving your LOSER ASS at the show.

My smoking style is very natural and casual in this clip, with lots of nose exhales.

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