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Bratty Jamie Productions
Bratty Jamie Productions
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Sensual Humiliation

6/27/18 6:51 PM9 min337 MBmp4720p
Price9.99 EUR
KeywordsFemdom Pov


Face it you suck in bed, you have never in your life gotten a woman off with that pathetic thing between your legs. Sad part is some of you don't even have a small dick but you are a terrible lay. You already know this because you have been laughed at, asked are you done yet etc. You are not meant to have sex and it is time that you accept this. You are to the point now where sex with some one does terrify you because you know deep down that it is you that sucks. Now you might be thinking to yourself well what should I do then? Simple don't let sex terrify you just don't ever have it. It is not meant for you, you are not a real man and you will never just wake up and change that is not who you are. From now on you are just a hand humper. My hand humper. With me you get to enjoy sex with your hand, you get to explore different fetishes and kinks, explore parts of my body as I tease you. Come on show me all of those jerk off skills that I have taught you in the past. I am all you will ever need once you watch this video you will release your purpose!

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