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Money Thursday: Bow Down, Give More, Stay Loyal

1/18/25 11:06 PM5 min1056 MBmov1440p
Price12.49 EUR


Do you know how much I love watching you try to please me? Every payment is proof of how much you crave being close to me.

This is our reality. I always take, and you always give. My beauty fills your every thought. And your actions revolve only around how to make me happy.

Focus on what truly matters — fulfilling my financial desires. I want to see you grow weaker with every passing minute. To see your wallet empty itself for me.

And when everything is done, don't forget to thank me. Thank me for giving you the chance to feel useful to your Princess.

You want to be my useful toy, my loyal slave, don't you?Then prove it.

Work harder, fulfill my desires, and show me you can truly be needed.

A little reminder to all :

1. You should buy my video.

2. Be a good boy for the Princess.

3. You are mine forever!

4. I make custom videos

5. Be noticed - Leave me a tribute

6. Turn your brain off and give in to your temptations and desires.

See you soon.

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