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Cindy Locks
Cindy Locks
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Stuck Wellies on a Muddy Couples Walk

12/21/24 12:30 PM25 min3179 MBmp41080p
Price18.99 EUR


So I went on a big messy muddy couple walk with Charlie today as we do most days - and wondered why we hadn't filmed one yet?! We'd love for you to join us as we splash in puddles, get totally stuck in some deep boggy mud (I genuinely nearly lost one of my wellies and we nearly got caught by some walkers while completely unable to move, our wellies left behind in the mud... Would have been a bit embarrassing but we got out in time!)

This video has loads of welly walking, some puddle splashing, a bit of getting very stuck in the mud, I take my wellies off in a bird hide at one point and show my slightly dirty socks off. Really it's just a peek into my daily life! Oh, and it's all in my flexible pink Hunter Tours - which I think are extra prone to getting stuck as we found out!

Video is 25:06 in length, and all filmed in 1080p 60fps

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