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Cruel Girlfriend
Cruel Girlfriend
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I Cheated While We Were Trying Chastity (4KUHD MP4)

12/9/24 2:30 PM15 min999 MBmp44k
Price15.99 EUR


So, tell me sweetie - how has it been for you? Difficult, huh? Well... It was your idea remember - you wanted to 'try chastity'… I told you it wouldn't be easy so it's kinda your own fault, isn't it? I know the last week has been a real struggle for you... especially as I've been dressing extra hot... but I think you should be so proud of yourself. A whole month of chastity! That's awesome for your first time being all locked up... I bet you're super excited to get released once our little chastity game is over, aren't you? I don't blame you at all sweetie... I can't even imagine how horny you must feel - seeing me in so many cute little outfits and not being able to do a thing about it. The lingerie I wore last weekend for my girl’s night out - that was so pretty, right? It was your favourite and there I was rubbing it right under your nose while I was getting ready - you looked so desperate - I felt so sorry for you - really, I did. I can be such a tease - I'm really proud of you... not like you had a choice though, huh?

You're so different with that cage on sweetie - chastity really makes you so much more thoughtful and... well... submissive actually. You helped me get ready for my girl’s night, running me a bath, pampering me, brushing my hair picking out a cute dress, zipping me up and buckling on my heels - even though you were so tight in that little device - you still helped - it was so y'know... simpy. I like you like that. So desperate to please me - so horny - so frustrated. Aw!.. it almost makes me feel a little guilty about not telling you before... but... the thing is, sweetie... I wasn't actually going out to meet the girls at all. I was cheating on you. OK I said 'almost' sweetie. I'm not actually guilty - how could I be - it's not as if you were taking care of my needs with that cage on is it? I had to find someone else for that - and the someone was a guy I met at the gym. Oh, and just so you know - he really appreciated your choice in outfit for me. I told him I'd pass that on when I got round to talking to you about this.

The thing is, sweetie... I kinda like the situation we've found ourselves in. I like the new chastity-you. You're so sweet and generous and thoughtful and attentive - you're everything I want in a boyfriend... except for one thing. The new chastity-you can't give me what I need in the bedroom... but my friend from the gym certainly can omg! He's the opposite of chastity-you. He's not thoughtful at all - he's an asshole - a total dick - he's arrogant and cocky and doesn't care about me at all - but he really knows how to fuck me sweetie. He treats me like a slut and that's all I need from him... so with you taking care of all my emotional needs and him taking care of all my sexual needs... why would I wanna unlock you now? You're the perfect cuckold boyfriend - all locked in chastity while I'm free to fuck whoever I like... and as it turns out I like to fuck asshole gym-rat fuck-boys. So y'know that release date we were talking about... let's not get our hopes up about that shall we?


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