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Mina Thorne
Mina Thorne
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Deep Into your Porn Addiction

6/1/23 7:56 PM14 min444 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryMind Fuck
KeywordsFemdom Pov


I don't feel bad for you. Not even in the slightest. When I look at you I can see how bad you need this. Giving into your porn addiction, you've allowed it to consume you. Now you're rushing home after work to put on one of my femdom clips and escape reality. Yes this is your release, your escape, your safe space. Now you're deep into this addiction of yours with no way out. Why would you want to though, this suits you. It's easy to submit, to give in and let everything else fade away. Just stroke, just forget about everything but me.

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