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Goddess Alexandra Snow
Goddess Alexandra Snow

This Is For Her

5/25/20 6:00 PM9 min621 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR
CategoryHome Wrecker
KeywordsMind Fuck


Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today. We need to talk about your partner. He’s been hiding a little secret from you. Have you been noticing strange credit card purchases? Lots of time alone in his office? I’ll tell you what he’s been up to. He’s been buying my videos. Quite a lot of them actually. Do you know why he’s been spending all of his time jerking off instead of caring for you? He’s weak. He’s a submissive man with no brain of his own. You deserve something better. You deserve someone who can really inspire your fantasies and make them come true. Why are you still with this loser when someone so much better is looking you in the eyes right now?

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