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Emily Valentina
Emily Valentina
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It's ALL for ME! HD

11/5/24 6:00 PM21 min501 MBmp41080p
Price20.99 EUR
CategoryHome Wrecker
KeywordsHome Wrecker


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You are my soon-too-be ex husband's divorce attorney, and you're TERRIFIED of me!  You're so sure I'm going to take everything from him with great ease, because my ex has really talked me up as a truly fearsome succubus of a woman!  So, when you arrive, I try to put you at ease- I even talk you through a relaxation technique to calm you down.  A lot.  In fact, you're so calm, your mind is totally BLANK and you're quite... suggestible.  Oops, looks like I have ABSOLUTE CONTROL over you now!  You were so stupid, giving in to my mesmerizing abilities, BUT I can make you feel better!  Every time you do something I like, I'll do something special!  For instance- you sign over all of my ex's assets to ME on this pre-notarized form, and I'll let you touch my huge, naked tits!  What a GOOD BOY you are!  And that's not all- if you tell me how much hotter I am than your wife, and sign ALL of YOUR assets to me, too, I'll ride you with my tight little pussy, until you BURST in an EXPLOSIVE ORGASM!  I know, you can't think too hard right now with my IRON GRIP on your pitiful men-brain, as you sit there, drooling idiotically... but it's so easy, all you have to do with me is say YES, GODDESS!

Custom name used: Kevin

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