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STUDIO 31266
STUDIO 31266
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Nadia White: Maid Bot

2/24/25 10:05 AM17 min1015 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryReal Doll
KeywordsMind Fuck


While on a business trip, a customer checks into a hotel that was booked by a prospective company headhunter.  The company has sent over a special gift and placed it in his hotel room to win over his favor.  Nadia-Bot is a full service robot ready to obey her Master's every wish and complies without hesitation

-Remote Controlled Maid -Bot

-Tests out functions (walking Robotically and Freezes on cammand)

-Gets on the bed on all fours and removes her maid out-fit

-Eyes rolled up and ready for Service

-Becomes a mindless sex bot, robotically bobbing back and forth on all fours 

-Powered Down and felt up

-Plays with her self on the bed in blow up doll pose

-Malfunctions, power down and rebooted

-Completes her cleaning chores robotically

-Salutes and stands blank and frozen ready for her next orders

All characters depicted in this work are over 18 years of age and are participating as consenting adults. Intended for entertainment purposes only

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