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Lucha Girls ~ Female Pro Wrestling
Lucha Girls ~ Female Pro Wrestling
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NEW-1411-Battle of the Man Bods #9 - Low Rise Boys

1/6/25 9:02 PM15 min2449 MBmp41080p
Price16.99 EUR


Dominic Kubrick vs Eli Everfly ~

Dom enters the ring and instantly can’t help but notice Eli in the corner doing his squats. Both man studs are in today's gym gear fashion. Low Rise basketball shorts, boxer briefs and tank top. Like typical men at the gym, each immediately sees the other as competition, whether it be Dom showing Eli how to do the perfect squat. Telling Eli that he can work out with him, but he will never have a body like his, Dom also bares his chiseled abs, rubbing them affectionately. While in the middle of a deep seated squat, Eli low blows Dom, sending him to his knees. Now Eli’s sassiness starts to show as he toys with Dom with head to butt bumps and ball to face slams. Poor Dom isn't used to being on this end of an asskicking. Suddenly after a corner ass beating, Dom's inner pervert awakens and he fights back. This match seems like anything goes pro style as each pro wrestler uses every body part to strike his opponent, ballbusting, ass to face bumps, even nipple biting & using the dirty tactic of pantsing the other with some rather brutal body bending submissions. I you like watching hot bodied youngstud pro wrestlers then you will love LGW’s 1411-Battle of the Man Bods #9 - Low Rise Boys.

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