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All About Eve
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Demon Fucks the Nun

4/30/23 10:23 AM17 min687 MBmp41080p
Price16.99 EUR
KeywordsNun Fetish


A nun is in bed reading her bible whenshe starts feeling warm.

She starts to lift her skirt exposing her pussy  through the crotchless pantyhose.

She starts to play with herself and then brings out a large dido.

She has taken vows not to give herself to any man but she takes solace in the plastic toy deep inside her pussy.

She stops in friustration and starts looking online when she finds a spell to bring a sex toy to life. She figures it would be ok since it would still be a plastic toy and not a human.

But what happens when she mutters the spell changes her life.

The toy turns into a demon who takes her.

At first she is enjoying the demons penetration until he moves for her ass.

She screams as his cock tears into her .

She begs for him to stop and after awhile he continues to ravage her pussy.

She is so in lust that she offers him anything for him not to stop.

And thats when the demon takes his prize.

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