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Apple Baby Diaper Love

8/13/21 2:39 PM11 min273 MBmp4720p
Price12.49 EUR


Apple has been so busy lately that she hasn’t had any time to enjoy herself.  But now that she has the house all to herself she can’t resist stripping down in the and climbing onto the changing table.  The thought of wearing diapers again has her so turned on that everything feels extra good - especially rubbing the soft powder puff against her sensitive nipples!  She unfolds a six-tape, super crinkly Attends diaper to lay underneath herself but she can’t even wait to get it taped into place before she wets!  The white inner lining of her open diaper turns yellow, and Apple adds a generous amount of lotion and baby powder to the mess before squishing around in it; she missed her diapers so much!

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