While in private I look at our shared laptop's internet history with the good intention of seeing what you've been into lately to surprise you with something sexy tonight. I like what I discover -little elves dangled above mouths, tiny men on nipples, size difference artwork- so much that my nipples get hard. While thinking if only I could shrink you I realize that maybe the crystal and reading shop in town can help. They're open so I head out!
When I arrive home I quickly change into a sexy outfit that I picked up as you will be home at any moment. You love it! Especially how I have you feel me up before revealing the real surprise. A magic mistletoe! What will happen when we kiss under it? We get in to it, tongue and all, and within one minute you're shrunken down looking up me and my dripping wet pussy towering over you to continue our play!
You taste my precum from my finger and I tease about all of the places I could put your little body for some fun. In the mood for some booty play I place you in the hot and humid valley of my ass. It smells really good since I just showered! Next you taste my dripping wet pussy over and over until I climax, ohhhh fuck yeah! That made me moan so much, it was so good that I came so easily.
You look up at my soaked pussy, but you can't help me clean it up because of how small you are! I place you under my foot and demote you to being my sex toy- nothing more. Don't get me wrong, I intend to keep you, but now I'm going to be having my fuck buddy over whenever I want. You might even end up in between us!