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Ruby Rousson
Ruby Rousson
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Locktober 2023: The End

10/30/23 4:35 PM7 min396 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR


Welcome to Locktober 2023. The year where I tease you relentlessly, push you to your absolute limit and likely break some of you before I've barely even begun.

You’ve made it. It’s the end of Locktober. Did you enjoy My teasing? I know I enjoyed every second you became more desperate for My touch.

You got through all My teasing, at least, you should have made it through all My teasing, and you’ve made it to October 31st. What comes next?

Why don’t we really push you past your limits. It’s My birthday and No Nut November after all and the best way for you to make it through that is to stay locked. To stay chaste.

I love nothing more than seeing your cock locked away for another month, so you don’t feel tempted to touch, because you can’t help yourself can you, you feel you need to play with it, you’re addicted.

So what will it be, pet, will you stay locked for Me?

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