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Ruby Rousson
Ruby Rousson
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Pet's New Collar - Unscripted Erotica

12/15/24 6:15 PM14 min2113 MBmp41080p
Price13.49 EUR
CategoryErotic Audio


It was a very special occasion. Very special. I, in all My devious glory, had decided to change things up for the year. This meant indulging again, gathering up my crops and paddles, My restraints and gags, gathering up all My toys and organising them.

The last thing I wanted when this came to be was to be unprepared, to not have what I wanted.

I knew that from the moment I drove down, saw the holiday home and I stepped out My car, you would be waiting on bended knee, ready to please.

I got you inside so you were ready. You were naked, cage on and kissing My boot. There were no words needed.

After paying proper respect to Me, I sat down and heard your cage jingle.

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