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Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
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Pyjama Girls 1 (WMV 720p)

10/19/24 12:20 PM10 min153 MBwmv720p
Price8.49 EUR
CategoryOtk Spanking


Click for HD MP4 version

My schoolgirls Andrea and Cathrine have been naughty again, and I plan to send them off to bed with a very painful lesson. With their pyjama trousers and knickers down around their ankles, Cathrine watches in fear as Andrea goes over my knee for her first-ever spanking. The poor girl quickly discovers why it's best to stay on my good side, crying and kicking as I redden her tender young bottom with a long, stingy handspanking.

Part 1 of 7 - All parts

Includes:  First Spanking, Handspanking, OTK Spanking

With:  Andrea, Cathrine & Miss Svenson

More from Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips:
Pyjama Girls 2, Pyjama Girls 3
Isabel 1 & First Visit to Miss Svenson 2

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