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Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
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Lessons Learnt 2 wmv

1/2/25 11:20 PM4 min91 MBwmv720p
Price4.99 EUR


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'I'm sorry, Miss Mathews!"

"I'll make sure you are sorry...."

By the time she has been given a good sound spanking over her angry teacher's knee, Alice is very sorry indeed, judging by her wriggling and squeals of discomfort. Great bottom-reddening action at its best.

Part 2 of 11 - All parts

Includes:  OTK Spanking, Handspanking, Schoolgirl

With:  Alice, Rose & Miss Mathews

More from Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips:
Lessons Learnt 3, Lessons Learnt 1
Alice and Miss Svenson 1 & Reunion 1

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