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Kaidence King
Kaidence King
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Convert to cuntism 3 (1080p wmv)

7/14/22 5:30 PM16 min1228 MBwmv1080p
Price15.99 EUR


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This was originally a custom video, but no names were used. For information about custom videos, custom audios and much more, visit my website or contact me! My website and email address are at the top of the front page of this store.


This is a follow up to Convert to Cuntism and Convert to Cuntism 2.


In this video, I play a leader from The Church of the Sacred Goddess, who is addressing a group of ladies, attempting to recruit them as missionaries. I start with a rundown of our mission. We worship the Goddess of all things female, not any male Gods like traditional churches. Our mission is to spread her Holy Word to all mankind, especially men. But what is her Holy Word? Cunt. There are some surprised faces, but I assure them that it’s not a dirty word. It is the most powerful thing in the universe. All life originates from women, from cunts. The cunt is the creator, by definition. I go on to explain what a recruit is expected to do. You will simply go to men, spread your legs, show them your cunt and get them to submit. We do this by getting them to repeat mantras, all of which are objective facts, we never lie. For example, “All life originates in the cunt”. Men prove their submission by worshipping us and the Sacred Goddess of all things female, and by making financial contributions. Sometimes it can take a few sessions to convert a man, but honestly, it’s rare that we fail. But there are billions of men on this planet, all of whom need to be converted, so we need lots of female recruits! It’s a simple job, spread your legs and use your powerful cunt to get men to submit to us. I look forward to training you all, thanks for listening! There is light blasphemy towards general male Gods throughout this video, and one instance of specific blasphemy against the Bible. There is also lots of leg crossing and cunt spreading in this video!


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