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Outdoor leggings in the park wetting peeing

4/11/24 5:45 AM4 min297 MBmp41080p
Price4.99 EUR


Spring is here and I’m walking in a park. I’m wearing a white jumper, a snuggly pink hat, a tight pair of red leggings, and on my cute little feet I have on a thin pair of socks and my white pumps. I pan the camera over my body as I sit on a bench so you can have a good look at my outfit, and then I walk along a public footpath which skirts the side of a pretty lake. As I’m walking, I can feel that familiar pressure which lets me know that my bladder is ready to go, so I start thinking about where I’m going to empty myself :D I climb some steps which lead into the woods, and when I see a stone hut I decide that it will make a great spot to do the deed! I place the camera on the ground and quickly let my liquid go, and a cascading release rains down around me! It is spraying all over the place, and as I enjoy the satisfaction of my bladder getting lighter, I can’t help but wonder if anybody will catch me. And even if they don’t, there’s always a strong possibility that someone will spot the wet stains which are now visible on my leggings. I do like to take chances ;) 

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