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Wetting on the Bathroom Floor Peeing

11/17/24 5:45 AM10 min514 MBmp4720p
Price10.49 EUR


I'm feeling cheeky in the bathroom, in front of the mirror wearing a bright red dress... and no panties! A cheeky idea pops into my head, and I just can't resist. My bladder is screaming for relief, but instead of using the toilet, I decide to get a little creative. I lay back, kicking my legs up in the air, and hold my dress over my bare pussy. The anticipation is building, and I can feel the pressure growing. Then, I let go, and my bladder starts to release its contents. The sound of trickling liquid fills the air, and my dress starts to soak up the wetness. The material quickly becomes saturated, and the wet patch begins to spread, running all the way down my dress. I'm completely covered and soggy, exactly how I like it. The feeling of the cool liquid spreading through my dress is exhilarating, and I can't help but giggle at the puddle I'm making. This is my own personal brand of bathroom bliss, and I'm loving every minute of it!

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