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Autumns Below the Belt Fantasies
Autumns Below the Belt Fantasies
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Foot Tickling Orgasm for Autumn mp4

3/28/23 9:27 PM11 min1249 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR


Autumn Bodell visits an expert to help her spice up her relationship with her husband. She mentions how her husband loves tickling but it’s not fun for her. The  offers a solution. A process that will make her feet an erogenous zone by mesmerizing her. Autumn is exited to try. The mesmerizing begins with a series of four strokes with a feather. Three strokes the crotch then one to the feet. Repeatedly going between her crotch and her naked feet with the feather transferring those sensations. Upon arriving home Autumn is eager to try out this mesmerizing therapy. Offering her bare feet to her husband she says ” Tickle my feet “. At the very first stroke of a feather along her bare sole, Autumn experiences erotic pleasure. As the tickling continues she gets more and more turned on. When finally his tongue stimulates her sole so intensely, Autumn cums like never before.

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