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Autumns Below the Belt Fantasies
Autumns Below the Belt Fantasies
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Autumn and Heavenly Ignore Those Beneath Our Soles

10/9/23 2:00 AM12 min1643 MBmp41080p
Price10.99 EUR
CategoryFoot Fetish


Autumn and Heavenly are relaxing barefoot on the couch and you are below them. They know you are there, but they are totally ignoring you. Instead of including you in the conversation, they decide to lotion up their feet and have a little massage fest.  Autumn warms the bottle of lotion between her legs as they talk. But then it comes time to spread the lotion on. Autumn squeezes out the lotion and rubs it on Heavenly’s highly arched feet with her own feet.  These two lovelies go back-and-forth, massaging each other’s feet with their feet as they have casual conversations, and of course, totally ignoring you as you sit below them

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