Bitchy Busty Katie Thornton es una PUTA CONDENSANTE Atajada, AMORDASADA & Colocada en Su Lugar! **24 MINUTOS LARGO**
Katie is a wealthy British Bitch who uses the power of her beauty to get what she wants, whenever she wants, in this case her dishwasher stopped working and a repairman came out to fix it, taking care of the problem which ended up simply being the lock was on and all she had to do is either not put it on or simply unlock it.
The repairman thought she understood the drill the 1st time out but he ended up making another trip to Katie's house to unlock the dishwasher again he thought he didn't make it clear to her being she was British and didn't charge her, but when it happened a 3rd and finally a 4th time he tells Katie he has no choice but to charge her a fair and nominal "trip charge".
Katie goes off into a tirade telling him she will not pay, its his fault the dishwasher keeps locking itself by itself and steadfastly refuses to pay him and the repairman does his best to remain calm but Katie raises the bar and the situation escalates until the man "SNAPS"!
No longer being concerned with being gainfully employed the man takes matters into his own hands and is bound and determined to teach Miss Thornton and bound and gagged lesson in civil behavior she will knot forget anytime soon.
Before she knows it Katie is grabbed and tightly bound up in a chair in her own kitchen, now fuming mad and vengeful and threatens the repairman with everything and anything she can think of but he just laughs at her and continues to bind up her body as he hand gags her and torments her before packing her mouth, taping it, wrapping it tightly and finishing it off with a tight OTM Gag.
The Lowly Repairman then unbuttons her blouse and pops her HUGE GGG Boobies out laughing at her as she MMppphhhhssss at him best she can. He then pops off her shoes and makes her smell her own sweaty shoes telling her its knot necessarily hard work she is huffing and laughs at her some more as she grunts and Mmmpppphhhhsss in utter frustration.
The Lowly Repairman finally ties her ankles and feet back to her wrists and leaves her toe-tally fucked, bound, gagged, boobies busting and popping out with her sweaty shoes stuck on the ropes on her knees making her smell her own stinky feet as the aroma wafts up to her gagged, frustrated, angry pretty face!!
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