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Tiny Man Haircut Gone Wrong Audio

2/21/22 10:05 PM4 min5 MBmp3
Precio4.99 EUR
CategoríaSolo Audio


It's your first haircut since you shrunk, and Jane Judge is going to take care of it at home for you! She's got some scissors and her clippers and is ready to go. She starts with a little snipping off your head and... Whoops! There goes your ear! Well, let's try the clippers and see if that's easier. Oh no, your other ear! OK, let's just trim up your pubes with these scissors, you'll be fine- OH MY GOD there goes your little tiny cock. I can't believe I cut it off! Oh well, you weren't using it anyway, you're too small to fuck Jane. Let's just finish cutting the last few bits of hair and... Well. Time to get a new tiny husband, this one has no head!

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