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Your Religion Can Fuck Off!

10/29/24 8:45 PM15 min420 MBmp41080p
Precio14.49 EUR


You love Dominant, powerful, arrogant, bossy, intelligent women. You love being a submissive, controlled, instructed male. But your so called god and your so called religion says "No!" and that its not okay. Do you know what *I* say?

I say that your religion can fuck off!

Your so called holy book would call that blasphemy and hides the truth from you that before its man-made creation, what existed was Goddess Worship. You might not be enlightened to know that but you will be!

Female Domination, the divine sexual and intellectual power of women is what you have always felt attracted to and felt was natural to submit to. And here you shall.

Here you will worship as you should. Here you will say "fuck my god and fuck my religion". Here you will commit yourself as a male to the true order of things.

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