Outee belly buttons fight 6 (SH)
REQUEST: Bikini, with t-shirt covering bikini top at first. Both of you meet with the intention of crushing each other in a bearhug, belly to belly.
Both of you don't know that you both have an outie bellybutton because you both have t-shirts on.
(2 minutes)
Both of you come together and grab each other in a tight bearhug, however after 10 seconds into the bearhug, both of you realise that both your bellybuttons stick out (because you both feel an irritation on your bellybutton which is the others bellybutton), you smile at each other telling each other you can feel the others outie bellybutton on their own outie bellybutton and both of you suggest to each other (while still in the bearhug) that you both step back, take t-shirts off and bearhug again, outie bellybutton to outie bellybutton.
(3 minutes)
Both of you step back and both take your t-shirts off to play with and compare your own outie bellybuttons with each other which both of you are impressed with each others outie bellybutton and admit to each other that you are unsure who has the better bellybutton. Both of you at the same time lean back / stretch up showing your outie bellybutton off to each other before you both come together in a tight bearhug, outie bellybutton to outie bellybutton until one of you destroys the other, bellybutton to bellybutton.
(10 minutes)
While you are both in a bearhug, both of you stumble backward and forward a little until one of you push the other up against a wall which hurts the others bellybutton. Then after some further stumbling backward and forward, the other gets pushed against the opposite wall, belly to belly which hurts the others bellybutton a lot also. This continues until the end. The one pushed up against the wall tries stuggles to deal bellybutton to bellybutton with the other and their face starts to cringe in pain while the other continues to dig their own outie bellybutton into the others outie bellybutton as they smile to the other that their bellybutton is being hurt more while still in a tight bearhug.
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