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Male Armpits
Male Armpits

Andy Armpits Video 1 - WMV

3/26/21 11:40 PM3 min143 MBwmv720p
Price5.99 EUR


Gorgeous Andy is doing his first armpit video. We are popping his armpit video cherry! Yayyyyy! He's beautiful and muscular and sporting some sexy hairy pits. He's got his right arm raised. He licks his lucky fingers (see how I called his fingers lucky? Why are they lucky? Because not only did he just lick them but he also is feeling his hairy armpits with them. Yummy) and begins massaging and stroking at his pit hair. He then....other arm the other arm....your right arm (me pointing gesturing to him to show his other arm)....yes that one. He smiles and raises his other arm. It's his first time. :) Oh that armpit is just as sexy as his other armpit. My oh my! It's an Andy Armpit kind of day. 

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