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Miss Roper
Miss Roper
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Celebration Ft Miss Roper - HD WMV 1080p Format

6/5/19 11:32 AM8 min77 MBwmv1080p
Price9.99 EUR


My birthday is 4 days away, and I've come to tell you exactly how I desire for you to celebrate my special day. Shower me with gifts by clearing out my wishlist, send me tributes, gift cards, naturally; but this... THIS is truly what I want for my birthday. A new tradition, a gift you will give me every year on June 8th. (Or perhaps year round once you've finally wrapped your lips around it.) Perhaps you've been conflicted, or it's something that's never crossed your mind until serving me. Into giving into my desires. But this, this is the gift you will have to give to truly please me. Your hetrosexuality.

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