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Miss Roper
Miss Roper
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Glove Lust Ft Miss Roper - HD MP4 1080p Format

4/3/23 4:46 PM7 min462 MBmp41080p
Price9.99 EUR
KeywordsMind Fuck


Mind fucking you is made almost too easy when my fingers are encased in glistening latex. Anything gleaming, shining, you can't help but visually lock onto. Which makes for an all the more useful tool at my disposal to further instill my control. My dominance over you. Your mind. Body. Don't you see, everything belongs to me and these rubbery fingers of mine? A trance you will slip into, as these latex gloves sink themselves into your brain. Where I'll be making a home. Chipping away with my wicked, sinfully sadistic word play and overstimulating movements. You're done for, latex lover.

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