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Sisterhood of Sin
Sisterhood of Sin
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SOS0093 Wild Women - Anastaxia vs Scorpion - The Club HDMP4

12/1/17 9:10 AM20 min478 MBmp4720p
Price20.99 EUR


The scene takes place in a secluded warehouse where the women (Anastaxia and Scorpion) meet without knowing each other in order to wrestle..

They found each other via the Internet, where they filled out a list where they check boxes as far as preferences during their fight.

Age, height, their prior experiences etc..


The two women, meet in the center of the room.  They stare each other for a little, as they have never met before, and approach each other.  They know this time it will be a little more aggressive than they are accustomed to.  

They come apart and circle each other, as they have pre agreed on the specifics of their encounter.

They start with a test of strength that lasts for about 3-4 minutes.  They start a little more aggressively but with steady, tight grips, hands changing slowly from stretched to extended, occasionally eyes locked on each other’s, but faces not touching yet.  There is no moaning, just slowly an increasing heaviness in their breathing, as they are trying to subdue one another.  

The spirit is competitive.  There is no smiling or laughing throughout their fight. They then slowly change to a wrestler’s stance, with hands behind each other’s neck, slowly grappling, foreheads touching occasionally…


They end up bear hugging each other, testing each other’s strength and trying to bring each other down.  


They fall down all wrapped up, thighs squeezing each other, feet trying to fight each other’s, and faces now coming together and touching more often,..


They don’t yell or moan, but just breath hard, trying not to show any emotions to each other.. They do breath harder though as the action gets more competitive

They begin rolling on the floor slowly grips changing from finger locks to embraces, occasional hair pulling and lots of body-to-body contact


Now the the action becomes more fast paced and competitive.  The eroticism comes out of their tight holds, grabs, embraces and leg/feet squeeze.  They are rough with each other.


After a long fight the women end up deadlocked, limbs tangled together, breathing heavily, both exhausted but obviously turned on. Yet one summons one last burst of energy to squeeze a submission from her spent opponent.  It is obvious from the closely fought contest that they must meet again as next time the outcome maybe different.


Anastaxia wears a dark grey crop top with leopard print bikini bottoms


Scorpion wears a black crop top and bikini bottoms

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