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Black Lady
Black Lady

Tape gag 2 CUSTOM

4/5/19 7:59 PM9 min438 MBwmv1080p
Price8.49 EUR
CategoryGag Talk


Please Show us the gaggaingproces from all sides. Close ups and around views would be great =)
Clothing: Boots, Jeans and Hoodies or Turtlenecksweaters =) (if ya wearing the Hoodies, wuld be great if you put the Hoods on ^^)



Sasha would be telling the Blonde the newest clothing Trends but the blonde don't wanna hear that. So she thinking better i shut her up. The Blonde stuffs the mouth from Sasha with a very big Sock all in. But Sacha telling her more under this Sock. So the Blonde grabs a Roll of Silver Tape and gagging her up with them. She placed 6 Strips over her Mouth from chin to the Nose and ears and 2 under and over her chin for real securness. After this only a wisper Sound comes from Sasha. 

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