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The A Girls
The A Girls
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Irene Sweeps You Up (HD MP4)

3/17/23 2:00 AM10 min548 MBmp4720p
Price10.49 EUR
KeywordsIrene Silver

Starring Irene Silver

HD (1280 x 7280) MP4

Back for yet another intimate lifting session, Irene thinks it would be fun for you to experience some extreme lift and carry holds with a nice, strong woman like herself. Flexing, she flashes you her strong muscles and biceps. Victory posing and showing off her strength, Irene smiles at your apparent excitement. The experience of being carried and handled by such a powerful woman, the whole experience is tons of fun and it is exhilarating. She's going to walk you through the whole process and all you have to do is take your time, listen to her, and relax. She decides to start you off easy with a nice and relaxing piggyback ride, she has you jump up on her back as she carries you around easily, showing off her strong muscles as she continues to have fun with you. Irene wants to show off more as she puts you down and pulls you up on her side and holds you in a cradle, spinning you around and playing with you so that you two can continue to have fun together. After you have done a couple of easy lifts with her, she decides to step her game up and starts to attempt harder and harder lifts with you. The most hands-on experience you can get with Irene! 

Order a custom video or worn goods at AkiraShellxxx (at) gmail . com

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