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Miss Nera Skye
Miss Nera Skye
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Double Pampers for Sissy

9/24/18 2:47 PM14 min376 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR



As Mummy begins another embarrassing nappy change on the sissy she notices something. The sissy's little clitty has become excited inside the wetness. Mummy sees this as a perfect opportunity to tease her little sissy about their increased arousal. 

First of all Mummy just uses her words. The very overly embarrassing baby talk that little sissy's just love to hate. Usually this kind of humiliation would the clitty into shyness, but today the baby talk is actually working. The sissy clitty becomes even harder against the wetness inside their nappy. Then of course Mummy sets to work with her hand rubbing over the soaked padding. then venturing her fingers into the leak bands. The sissy squirms in her pretty princess ruffles and stockings as Mummy continues to tease the sissy with her tormenting words and giggling.

Once the wet nappy is removed Mummy begins to clean the sissy down with wet wipes. She does this with an extra tickle today to make the sissy whimper under her touch. Mummy has this little sissy just where she wants them and Mummy is enjoying every second of it.

Once Mummy has finished wiping down the sissy's little hard clitty with wet wipes she begins a very slow and teasing creaming. The sissy by this point is sweating and wriggling all over the changing mat. The sissy knows no matter how much Mummy decides to tease them the sissy is not allowed to cum without permission.

Mummy then reveals not one, but two thick pretty nappies for the sissy. Will Mummy allow this little sissy a release before being wrapped in double thick pampers? Or will that little clitty be straining for much longer?

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