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Miss Nera Skye
Miss Nera Skye
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Pampers Boy and the ABDL sitter

1/4/22 10:57 AM17 min1080 MBmp41080p
Price18.99 EUR


Custom Request: No names used

"I'd like you to play the same character from "Bratty Babysitter" (same outfit if possible) but with an actual nappy change with a mean CFNM element. Tease him about being naked infront of a sexy college girl with a strong verbal small penis humiliation calling his cock a "wee wee" Make fun of him for getting erect while being changed and spend plenty of time rubbing talcum powder powder around the cock (particularly on then tip) similar to how you did in "Double Pampers for Sissy" but instead of saying "I'm teasing you" could you say things like "Is the nasty college girl teasing your wee wee?" or "Has the nasty girl given you a stiff wee wee?" then announce you're going to take photos to send to your friends to embarrass him. Towards the end of the clip could you bend over so the camera sees up your skirt and then chastise him for looking at your knickers. Pointing out that just because she's seen him naked doesn't mean he can look at you like that. At the end of the clip as you tape up the nappy say you're going to invite your friends round to assist with the next change."

Miss Nera is just on her way out for a couple of hours but pampers boys like you cannot be left unattended to rummage around in their nappies so she has called a sitter.

A nasty college girl with a thirst to humiliate pampers wearing diaper boys like you.

The college girl curls up her nose at you as you wriggle around in your wet nappies. She thinks you're disgusting and she cannot believe she's been lumbered with having to look after you and change your dirty diapers all evening.

She rams a giant dummy in your mouth to shut up your whinging and then proceeds to rub the front of your wet diaper humiliating you for getting horny in your thick pampers. She then un does the tapes and notices your little wee wee bouncing around inside the padding.

"Urgh gross stop doing that!" She exclaims

She pulls back the wet nappy and laughs uncontrollably at the size of your little cock. It's so pathetic and small she cannot help herself and immediately picks up her phone to take photos of you to send to her friends as she changes you.

She wipes your little wee wee down with wet wipes and covers you in a thick cloud of talcum powder and tickles the tip of your little willy with her finger tips as she giggles at your little dick bounce around in her hands all excited.

Then the diaper comes out. She unravels it and laughs at the size of it.

"I didn't even think they made nappies THIS big!...What are you a bed wetter or something?"

She wraps you up in your thick pampers anfd taping it up tightly still tormenting you with her humiliating words about you being a "Pampers Boy"

Once the change is complete she stands up to find her phone and she catches you peering up her short skirt at her knickers. She is disgusted you think you can look at her like that and tells you boys like you don't get to look at hot girls like that...

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