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Mz. Kim, Asian Provocateur
Mz. Kim, Asian Provocateur
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Pantsing Attacks! Mz. Kim & Andrea Rosu (WMV Windows)

10/17/18 10:00 AM13 min463 MBwmv720p
Price15.99 EUR


Mz. Kim has made this excellent video with a ton of BOTTOM BARING EMBARRASSMENT in a new pantsing montage, this time with her friend, Andrea.  These two girls do not hesitate to pants each other in public multiple times and their prank war soon escalates to pulling down panties, spankings, and  even wedgies.

These girls end up with two sets of glowing red cheeks before they are finished. So many public scenes, you'll be so embarrassed for them!

This clip reached #1 in Embarrassed Naked Female #ENF category and #1 in tripping!

More Fantasies To Enjoy!

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 panty fetish, stuck, grannie panties, struggling,embarrassed nude female, wedgy fetish, pranks, humour, enf, #mzkim,, EMBARRASSMENT, PRACTICAL JOKE, HUMILIATION,WEDGIES, HUMOR


enf, pantsing fetish, panty fetish, exercise fetish, fitness, pranks, prank fetish, big tits, fitness model, fit

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