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Mz. Kim, Asian Provocateur
Mz. Kim, Asian Provocateur
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Mz Kim CEO Dominatrix

4/12/23 2:32 PM15 min1322 MBmp41080p
Price470.99 EUR


Mz. Kim comes home after a stressful day and picks a fight with you. Even she has bad days. She quickly asserts her dominance and puts you right in your place: ON YOUR KNEES, THEN UNDER HER FEET. She notices that she even smells a certain way when she is stressed and upset. And instead of showering, she makes you smell her. Not just her sweaty feet, but her armpits, too. The way that you can please Mz. Kim is to jerk it like a good loser bitch. The way you can please her is by handing over control of all your finances and feeling her feet down your throat. Now this is the way female-led relationships should be!

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