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Pants Wetting In The School (ABDL Age Regression Audio)

7/4/22 4:50 PM21 min30 MBmp4360p
Price20.99 EUR


In this audio only trance, as i guide you down in trance with the help of induction, you find yourself lead into this mesmerizing fantasy where you are in school and just like everyday you have reached the school, in a hurry and drank so much of liquid before leaving home, but forgot to use the bathroom. And as soon as you reach the school gate, you start realizing your bladder is filling up soon, and you begin to feel the urgency to use the washroom. But due to some things that come up, you just cant get to use the bathroom, unless this turns into an emergency and you make a big puddle in the class itself in front of other students and teacher. You feel so embarrassed and become so red, and you have no choice but to go to the office to get yourself cleaned up and changed alongwith being made to wear a diaper to avoid any such accidents in future.

This is an Audio only trance file. Contains background binaural music. 

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