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Dominic Wolfe's Gagged Beauties
Dominic Wolfe's Gagged Beauties
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Bella Tightly Bound and Gagged in Her Own Home By: An Obsessed Stalker!! RE EDIT 2025

1/29/25 11:55 AM18 min1171 MBmp41080p
Price15.49 EUR


     Bella is a Hot Florida girl who waitresses at a local bar, like all waitresses she develops a book of business of regular customers, and like all waitresses she flirts and generally tells each guy what she thinks he wants to hear in order to get more tips.

       Unfortunately for Bella one of her Customers takes it all a little too much to heart and starts to get obsessed with her.  When she tries to distance herself from him it doesn't work as is often the case, in fact, it backfires, so its no surprise that one day Bella answers the door to her home only to find the Man standing there. 

      She realizes the situation she is in and does her best to calm him down and get him out of there but it only escalates, before she knows it Bella is very tightly bound, elbows welded together in one of her own chairs. Her big smart ass mouth gets packed full with a huge pair of her own white cotton panties that gets wrapped in tightly and covered w/ an OTM gag.  But that's knot all, her obsessed customer has been waiting for this moment for a long time and has tipped her well over time so he takes full advantage of her helplessness and gropes her boobies, tickles her feet, mocks and humiliates Bella, takes her shoe off her sweaty, stinky feet and makes her smell them while fully gagged only to huff it in front of her mocking her some more, all this sending Bella into a bound and gagged temper tantrum tirade but she is Fucked and cannot say or do anything about any of it.  

      Finally the annoying Dejected Customer has had his fill and leaves poor Bella very tightly bound up, gagged with her own panties, left to squirm, gag bitch, wriggle and do all She can to get loose and that's when the show really begins!

*Disclaimer*   This is a FICTIONAL SCENE, all of this is simply Role Playing by paid actors and actress's, NONE of this is real, true, and all acting and role playing was rehearsed, consensual, and this is not a description of any real event that took place and is no different than any other media entertainment you see on TV or in the Movies, got that Artificial Intelligence Police?  

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